Sunday, July 31, 2016

Vanity of Vanities

All is Vanity and a chase after wind.

God bless,
Joshua Fahey 

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Is it any use to wonder
To meditate or to dream
When no matter how far I go
There is more of you unseen?

Is it any use of talking
When I cannot hear your voice
And you know my thoughts before I think them
You know my actions before my choice?

Is there any point in knowing
When nothing that I know
Could describe any better
Than a crayon and puppet show?

To know you and to love you
If worth anything I say
Would take longer than my lifetime
Would take forever and a day

But I abandon my sand castles
Built of fragile fickle things
For a slightly longer hearing
Of the way my angel sings

And so I take my journey
A wanderer without rest
To seek the divine presence
To bend to your behest

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Funny when I tried to think of daylight
My mind thought in shadows
Or when I tried to think of starlight
And through the empty space of night
Thoughts of food arose
Argh! this writer's blockian plight!

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


How strange it is every day
To rise from sleep, to work, to play
How odd it is to take a breath
Just as odd is any death
Repetition is the rhythm
Inevitability is the rhyme
How strange it is for any given
To a mind outside of time

Why when I release a ball
Does it fall? Does it fall?
And whene'er light enters a prism
Why is it always a colorful schism
Why when we follow this road
Can we know? Why can we see?
Who wrote this odd law and code
So complete with consistency?

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, July 25, 2016


How blind, of all creatures, how blind
Though we see so much, and listen
How blind, our hearts are, how blind
Even dogs understand repetition
We can fly higher than any bird
Yet our depth of sight is so pettily absurd
How blind, my spirit, how blind

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Which is the Egg Again?

I don't even know how anyone would get these two confused.

God bless,
Joshua Fahey 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Listen to the Angels

Listen to the angels
Hear their song and be still
Let your being resonate
Listen, take your fill
Quietly hear every bit and trait
Listen to the angels

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, July 21, 2016

No Ocean Wide Enough

Apparition of mist and flame
An ocean, unseen, an atmosphere
Yet light pierces through the thickest cut
To reach me even here

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Bee Swarm

A living cloud of noisy terror
Droning its one note warning
This amorphous flower treasure bearer
Mining, making to night from morning
To make a pool of liquid gold
And who would take it must be bold

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


God bless,
Joshua Fahey 

Summer Days

O summer with its greenery
Its heat and humid airy walk
The forest and the scenery
Jarred by orange cones and chalk

O summer can you let me be?
And stop your errant boiling
My mind is far too brittle, see
By my unprevented smiling

O summer, transient gift of God
I'm grateful for your passing days
For every day in you I plod
When winter comes, I'll praise and praise

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Sunday, July 17, 2016


If we were listening
Were praying, were obeying 
If we were being
In His presence not saying
Anything at all
Just lying and resting and staying
We would have joy

God bless,
Joshua Fahey 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


I worry and in fear I wander
I ponder but in dread I'm blind
My mind seeks order to grasp
I clasp insanity until Truth is blurry

A light still glows when I take a breath
Not death nor pain can hide its shine
I dine and reorient my broken path
A bath of grace then clears my sight

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Friday, July 15, 2016


Take your time when you construct.

God bless,
Joshua Fahey 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

News Flash

News flashes and never stays
Yet eternal is angelic praise
Never turning from His gaze

News flashes and what remains?
The human heart with all its stains
And the holy heart with all our pains

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tail of Ink Riddle

Spun through leaves this tail of ink
Adventure, wonder, mystery, woe
Horror, love, figments that think
Past, future, and present know
Traveling without leaving one's chair
No limits to where one might go
As long as one's here, one may go there
And one may let my magic grow
What am I?

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, July 11, 2016


The depths are beyond measure
The light beyond sight
A non-glittering treasure
In the darkest of nights

What I've traveled before
I've never plumbed, only sailed
Having only an old man's lore
For the exploration that failed

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Is it such a paradox that love flows from acts
Love comes out in fire not from reason, not from facts
But from following a path, one path that never lacks
That anyone may walk, yet few make those tracks
Lord search me and plant in me the grace to follow you
Conforming to your law, make my love be true
And straying from your sight, let me always fear
Until at last, to home at last, I'll meet you brother dear

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Gassed Haiku

Noxious air reveals
Constructed panoramas
A Detroit summer

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

We Go!

Chewing rubber and spitting fumes
Under trolls and over dunes
To your mother's mother's home
Drinking tea and reading a tome

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, July 4, 2016

Liberty and Justice

One caught in Pride demands
For the freedom to be a slave
One caught in Wrath cries
For the the freedom to send to the grave
One caught in Envy whines
For the freedom to destroy
One caught in Lust moans
For the freedom to enjoy
One caught in Gluttony begs
For the freedom of the tongue
One caught in Sloth murmurs
For the freedom to be done
One caught in Greed wishes
For the freedom to be empty
But one in peace requests
For the freedom to be
In the presence of wisdom and light
The freedom to do what is right

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Smiling Peace

Smile in the holy peace
This world cannot provide
With its judgmental legal lease
That's never rightly applied
Instead give your face a crease
Smile as you abide
It's the world you cannot appease
The Lord is at your side
And when their natterings finally cease
His peace will be our stride

God bless,
Joshua Fahey