Monday, April 30, 2018

All That is Done in Darkness

When it comes to a lower tide
All the things I dare to hide
Are now within anyone's reach
If patient enough to comb the beach

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, April 28, 2018


To have guidance is a delight
For then it is a journey of more than one
A hand to hold onto through the night
A voice to remind of the sun
And when the dawn beats back the fear
When the wind alights on the shoal
His smile so wondrous and dear
I will remember and keep in my soul

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Boxed shadows, woven light
Bagged moonbeams, painted night
Pinned hopes, covered fright
Faithful hands that clear my sight

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

When Damp and Sunlight Meet

When damp and sunlight meet
Cold and chill with light and heat
And in their fight they bless and praise
The creator of damp sunlit days

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, April 23, 2018


Someone wants to free me
A mere creature to be my savior
To take away the barriers
That God has set about me
To make me independent
From His loving arms
To keep me from the blood
Of His loving wounds
To shield from the nails
Of His loving hands
To cleanse me of the dust
Of His loving feet
To tear down all the fences
God has built for me
To tear down the home
God has invited me into
A mere creature wants to free me
From my loving Savior
I deny that creature's wish
And ask Our Father for a hug

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, April 21, 2018


Fire gives a lasting heat
A light that guides
A peace complete
While darkness hides

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Ardor for inverted scapes
Scaling darkened caves
Not even demons dare to traipse
Under long forgotten graves
But continuing through hidden capes
Are aptly called the braves

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


What little bits
What heinous blobs
Make the pieces
Of the mobs
That tear the lonely psyche down
That tear the flesh from toe to crown
And leave the creases
The cracks, and sobs
The little bits
And little bobs
In ashes while laughing in pleasant glee
Another soul taken from the free

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, April 16, 2018

Cold and Chill

Cold and chill magnify
My gratitude
When God's name I glorify
With fortitude

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Milling About

Milling about, asking for answers
Listening close to singers and dancers
Searching far and near for peace
A search that does not cease
But an answer is found
Out of the ground
The fruit of the tree of life
That had died in strife
Mary's little boy
Giving hope and joy

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, April 12, 2018


When my left neurons don't know
Whether my right neurons sparked
I end up going with the flow
And forgetting where I parked

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Fortune Favors the Seeker

Fortune favors the seeker
Not the stronger, not the weaker
Not the lazy, but the sly
And the bold willing to fly
Yet she might find pain funny
And she may not pay in money
But those who keep to her pace
Enjoy her games and chase

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, April 9, 2018


Calm energy, warm or cool
A clingy tartness, a bitter rule
A taste beyond frivolous trendsA sip for loneliness, a cup for friends
A pot for parties, a bag for me
A noble charm, brewing tea
A ritual both polite and deep
Douse in water, let it steep

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Take Five

When even thought moves slowly
And lightning is in a bottle
When silence breathes a sigh
And there's nothing left to throttle
There is finally time to listen
Time to ponder

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Whistle blowing in the kitchen
Arousing me from a drowsy sea
But, in exchange, the kettle
Allows me to have my tea

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Set Greetings

Pitter patter potter petter
Sitter sat her Irish Setter
Lucy barking out each letter
Of 'hello, hello' to all who met her

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, April 2, 2018

Joyous Life

Life is always a joy and a blessing
A gift from God, thanked with praises
Even if it's bacteria, and a cold
A grateful heart amazes

God bless,
Joshua Fahey