Saturday, June 29, 2019

A Song

A song leading the heart in rhythm
Just beyond the edge of the ears
Remembering, yet never heard
A longing, drying my tears

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, June 27, 2019


I heard His promise that wherever I roam
If I follow His road, I will come Home
I've pondered on it and when I stray
I kneel down to seek His road as I pray

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Unhappiness in the form of a piercing nail
Discomfort in the form of loss
Love in the form of a swallowing whale
Joy in the form of a cross

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, June 24, 2019


Vicious bites with their numbing burn
Dreadful voices with spite they spurn
Colorless eyes blind to hope
A heart too worn down to mope

Who needs enemies with minds like mine
Grant me grace, God, let me be thine

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Give Thanks

Lost and at loss
Most pitiable soul
Homeless and homesick
Hunger takes a toll
In form of a meal
The lamb makes whole

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Worst

What I fear the most
Disgusts my heart with the thought
Betraying my friend

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Desperate Prayer

Many different rhythms have little in regard
For hearts shorn like iron or minds fractured into shards
Keeping to their own time, playing their own cards
Lord, let me not be so distracted, help prayer not be so hard

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, June 17, 2019

Straight Road

That straight road to paradise
That narrow path divine
That's difficult for men of vice
To follow to the nine

Grace I'd need for fortitude
Grace I'd need for temp'rance
Will you grant me rectitude
To take my cross each day hence?

That straight road to paradise
That narrow path divine
Forged by the cross of Christ
Together let us dine

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, June 15, 2019


Who is best at being strong?
The stolid footman on the line?
The general who leads the throng?
The priest whose prayers show a sign?

A sign of what to do today
When you meet God face to face
Even if your mood be gray
Will you accede to and ask for grace?

Who is best at being strong?
Who stood by you all along?
And attends to the smallest cry
Whose strength, for you, was served to die

Not I, not I, I have no strength
No power to walk for any length
Save given to me by the blood
And poured out on me in a flood

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Some Matters

Some matters, not meant for me
Can only be a mystery
Observed by this finite mind
Not every pattern may I find

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Patter and pitter
Gong and gloom
Unmeasured radiating sonics of doom
Sour and bitter
Offered to quench
Cannot be swallowed because of the stench
Whilst I fritter
Tossing the night
A hand guides me home, home to the light

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, June 10, 2019

Not Alone

I walked awhile in darkness
Upon my own shoddy lane
Kept babbling through the silence
Unable to keep sane

Then a hand reached out to me
Into my colorless dream
Invited me to eternity
And another, family, was seen

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Two fires I've met
Two fires to burn me
Blazes I let aflame
So pretty aflame

One burned strong
A quick inferno
Yet not long aflame
Died low this flame

The other burned quiet
Lit me in silence
Applied its flame
My sense of the flame

Grew stronger this flame
Grew brighter this flame
I am truly a flame
Because of this flame
I am truly a flame
For this flame
I am truly a flame
The breath of this flame
I breathe this flame

Let it not die in me

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Drowning is unpleasant when
You've been used to breathing in
And out normally, without care
Now suddenly you cannot dare
Cannot try in any way
Until surrendering to pray

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Disturbing dreams darken days
When wanderers would walk a ways
Across cobblestone or calloused clay
Imposed penitence bowing to pray

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, June 3, 2019

Getting Warmer

Lemon-lime of summer
Quenching sweet ice tea
A stroll of a ding hummer
As angels walk with me

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Silver Horns

Silver horns, soft and loud
Ringing out from heavenly clouds
Giving glory to a Son ascended
A return celebration most splendid

God bless,
Joshua Fahey