Saturday, May 30, 2020

Flame and Wind

When the devil closes in
Feel the wind burn within
Hear the breath of the living God
And sing out praise, honor, laud
Bend the knee before the Name
Let the bones burn in His flame

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Every shape a masterpiece
Every shade a revelation
Each hook and prong never cease
Giving wondrous sensation

Individual works of art
Connect mysteriously
Slowly, steadily build each part
Thousands becoming one for Thee

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Social Media

More rumors, more noise
Treating people as if toys
Stories as if true
Sharing with much ado

More gossip, less sense
Speaking without recompense
Without pause or prayer
Poisoning the air

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, May 25, 2020

Warm Night

Wrapped in unending warmth
Fading thoughts, tension lifts
Illusive adventurer sent forth
Graced spark of joy, peaceful gifts

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Sunday, May 24, 2020


God bless,
Joshua Fahey


Threaded with a silver hope
A fine mask, a mask of death
Joined with you in your final breath
Carried off this lonely slope

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Another step past the line
Past the border in my mind
On a journey, mission, trip
To go beyond plane, train, or ship
Another step on this walk
And another as I balk
But stubbornness carries through
My goal to search for you
The you that sent me on
Will greet me when this path is done

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Form and Chaos

Deep in a chaotic storm
Flooded senses, blinded sight
I am walking through the night
In a forgotten form

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, May 18, 2020

Shadows in Fractured Mirror

Blips, beeps, dots, and dashes
Coffee lightens my mind that crashes
Aliens and faerie folk sing tunes
That can only be heard by saints and loons
A manic party, a dreadful pall
Separated by only a dusty thin line
The mind knows it isn't fine
As the darkness makes a call

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Sight to the Blind

My eyes are fooling me
But His Grace, Who taught the world to see
Lights up the darkness, now I'm free
To love Him as He loves me

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Wounds and Strikes

Wounds and strikes against the Sights
Lemons and berries slept in the nights
Hark! The wolves have never sought the fool
Snakes have never needed to be cruel

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Steady river, calmly travel
This mystery slowly unravel
That time is immeasurably measured
When it is immeasurably treasured

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, May 11, 2020


Clouds, amorphous bundles of hope
Oceans above the ocean of air
Living breath, angelic slope
Reminder of God's timely care

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, May 9, 2020


A mother is devotion
Love for the other
Beyond logic or emotion
Is the care of a mother

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Thursday, May 7, 2020


No matter how mad the mob
No matter how much I sob
No matter how many will leave
In You, Lord, I believe

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Service to the Lord

Purging flames smelt my soul
Burn out stains, make me whole
Purify me for a sacred role
Of service to the Lord

Immersive grace drown my tears
Lift me up to fight my fears
Calm my heart before your shears
Lead me to serve the Lord

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Monday, May 4, 2020


I'd like to think I've been of aid
Been a part of a larger tale
Supported a grand escapade
Sought a clue to the holy grail

But some days are so grey
That it's hard to even kneel to pray
On those days I ask at length
To borrow on my Shepherd's strength

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Under the moon, dowsed by its light
Hearing the call to go into the night
Tempted by glimmer, frightened by howls
Now all alone facing the growls
Bleating my heart out in desperate plea
From false light and fear, the Shepherd does free

God bless,
Joshua Fahey