Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Jedi in long robes

A Jedi in long robes
Came walking in the building
Others dressed their best
And with one voice, began to sing

Two acolytes holding lights
Were singing out too
Then the Jedi spoke out
"May the force be with you"

And with your spirit
Was the ringing response
Despite raging souls outside
Tossing out taunts

There were readings from wise men
And historical accounts
Poems and love notes
And a man on a mount

The Jedi explained
The way of the force
And how to avoid
The dark side's course

And then a reenactment
That was entirely real
Traveling through time
And a blessed meal

The sacrifice was made
As a gift for us all
Accepted by those
Who listened to the call

Those with should hear
As the Jedi walked out
The dark one's fear
At the angelic shout

God bless,
Joshua Fahey

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